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Epidural steroid injections can also be used to assess the role of certain nerves or joints in musculoskeletal pain. An injection of a corticosteroid within 24 to 48 hours of a musculoskeletal pain episode may lower the pain threshold for a patient suffering persistent pain.6 Nasal sprays Another option for detecting musculoskeletal pain is through a nasal spray. Nasal sprays, the most common form used, consist of a gel containing a preservative called a surfactant. The surfactant dissolves in the mouth, and as it does, a medication is delivered into the nostrils. The spray is used to assess the level of pain in each nostril, especially the lower nasal bone where the pain is greatest. This technique is the same as using an ear thermometer, but without the discomfort of having an instrument inserted all the way through the side of your nose and into your sinus cavities. Pain and temperature The level of pain may vary with temperature. Patients at higher temperature can be given higher pain levels of medication. At lower temperature, lower doses of medication are needed to induce the proper levels of pain. Some forms of physical medicine have been found to be helpful in managing pain. For example, physical therapy is used to reduce stiffness at the back muscles and decrease the pain levels in the muscles of your face. For the best possible outcome with pain management, the most important variables will include the severity of the pain, the level of pain, and the level of improvement in pain symptoms. If you suspect any underlying disease, or if you are currently taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, take a look at some of the below options for managing it better before deciding to use any medication to manage your pain. Treatment for pain There are several different ways in which pain medication may be used. For the most part, there might be some overlap between what is available over the counter and what you can purchase from a physician. The following are a few possibilities to be aware of. If you are considering medication for pain, take a look at these options before deciding which option will be best for you and your symptoms. Oral medications Some medications prescribed in the United States have been approved for use as oral medications in many countries, including Canada. These are commonly referred to as OTC medication and are typically available in most supermarkets, department stores, and pharmacies. Some examples of OTC medications that can be found throughout the United States include: Related Article: